America’s Medicated Kids

The film "America's Medicated Kids" is a thought-provoking exploration of the ever-increasing number of mental disorders diagnosed in children, including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and...

Birth in Nepal

Nepal has some of the worst maternal death statistics in the world, with some six women dying in childbirth every day. Despite the political...

Living With Size Zero

In the kaleidoscope of modern beauty standards, the phenomenon of size zero has emerged as a polarizing and often controversial trend. It has captured...

10 Things You Need to Know About Losing Weight

As experts in our field, we understand the importance of utilizing the most effective techniques and strategies to achieve desired results. This is a...

Genetically Modified Foods in America

A genetically modified organism (GMO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. Organisms that have been genetically modified...

The Man Who Lost His Body

The story of a man, who lost the sense, that tells the brain, where his body is in space, and how has he overcome...


"AIDS Inc." is a thought-provoking documentary that dives deep into the multi-billion dollar AIDS industry, shedding light on how it thrives on perpetuating fears...

The Weight of the Nation: Choices

The second film in the series poses a question that almost anyone who's struggled with excess weight has asked, if only in jest: For...

The Lazarus Effect

"The Lazarus Effect" is a poignant and powerful documentary that delves into the transformative impact of life-saving antiretroviral medicine on individuals living with HIV...

The Atkins Diet

In the realm of dieting, few plans have garnered as much attention, controversy, and celebrity endorsements as the Atkins Diet. Renowned for its bold...
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