Lost Worlds: Mekong: The River of Nine Dragons


“Lost Worlds: Mekong: The River Of Nine Dragons” is a breathtaking documentary that takes viewers on a journey through Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, exploring the central role that the Mekong River plays in the lives of its people.

The documentary begins in the Anam mountains of Laos, where we meet the Ekor Tribe and witness their way of life and deep respect for the environment. We also explore the spirituality of the region, visiting temples, pagodas, and monasteries where young people are initiated into the monkhood.

Moving on to Cambodia, we see the remnants of the ancient Khmer empire and the complex system of canals and levees that allowed for intensive rice cultivation. However, we also learn about the country’s recent history of violence, including concentration camps that killed off a third of the population, and the ongoing problem of landmines that produce a staggering 10 amputations a day.

Finally, the documentary takes us to the delta of the nine dragons in Vietnam, where the Mekong River flows into the South China Sea. Here we meet the Li family, wealthy fish merchants, who provide insight into the bustling life sustained by the river.

One of the most striking aspects of the documentary is its focus on the relationship between the people and the river. We see how the Mekong River is not just a source of water and transportation, but a way of life and a spiritual force that shapes the cultures of Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

Overall, “Lost Worlds: Mekong: The River Of Nine Dragons” is a stunning and informative documentary that provides a unique perspective on this great river and the people who call it home.

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