

Pig farming, a staple of the agriculture industry, provides a significant source of food for communities across the world. However, behind the closed doors of pig farms, a hidden reality prevails. In the documentary film Lucent, the dark side of Australia’s pig farming industry is revealed through a combination of hand-held and hidden camera footage. The film brings to light the daily acts of cruelty and mistreatment accepted as standard practice within the industry.

Lucent takes a deep dive into the heart of the industry, exposing the conditions in which pigs are raised and the often inhumane treatment they endure. Through the use of undercover footage, the film sheds light on the widespread abuse of these animals and raises important questions about the ethics of modern animal agriculture.

The film also highlights the significant impact of these farming practices on the environment. The intensive confinement systems used by many pig farms generate large amounts of waste, which can contaminate water and soil and contribute to air pollution. In addition, the use of antibiotics in the pig farming industry has raised concerns about the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which could have serious consequences for public health.

Despite the widespread negative consequences of these practices, the pig farming industry continues to operate with limited regulation and oversight. Lucent aims to raise public awareness about the urgent need for change in the industry and to inspire individuals to take action by demanding more responsible and humane farming practices.

In conclusion, Lucent serves as a powerful and thought-provoking examination of the pig farming industry, challenging viewers to consider the ethical implications of their food choices and the impact of animal agriculture on both animals and the environment.

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