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Tag: Economy

Marijuana Inc: Inside America’s Pot Industry

CNBC's Trish Regan goes inside America's controversial marijuana industry. Going from California's marijuana dispensaries to talking to marijuana growers and law enforcement she paints...

UK Preppers 2: Surviving Armageddon

Paranoid and delusional, or should the rest of you be prepping too? Preppers UK introduces you to local preppers, each with their own unique...

Fault Lines – The high and the mighty

This fall California will vote on fully legalising cannabis. Fault Lines explores the implications for the economy, politicians and the criminal justice system.

The Day of the Dollar

Do we live on a bubble? Is it possible for the heavily indebted American economy to collapse and take all of us down in...

Putin – Tsar or reformer?

As Vladimir Putin secures victory in Russia's presidential elections, the nation finds itself at a crossroads, torn between an emboldened protest movement and an...

Richie Rich gets Richer

In a world marked by economic turbulence and financial uncertainties, the documentary "Richie Rich Gets Richer" casts a probing gaze at the ever-widening chasm...

The World History of Organized Crime

When it comes to delving into the shadowy realms of criminal syndicates that have left an indelible mark on our world, "The World History...

Death by China

In the early 2000s, the United States welcomed China into the fold of the World Trade Organization (WTO) with a prevailing sense of optimism....

Is Capitalism bankrupt?

The global economic landscape is predominantly characterized by capitalism, a system that has gained even the attention of countries like communist China. However, against...

Fault Lines: The Top 1%

In "Fault Lines: The Top 1%," a thought-provoking and eye-opening documentary, the spotlight is directed towards the alarming economic disparity that looms over the...
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