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Heavyweights with Unexpected Skills

Breathtakingly beautiful but hostile to all life is the far north of Szpicbergen. Walruses are used to this freezing cold. They lump around in...

My Deadly Appetite

William Weaver has Prader-Willi syndrome - is a congenital (present from birth) disease characterized by obesity, decreased muscle tone, decreased mental ability. A Prader-Willi...

High Sierra: A Journey on the John Muir Trail

High Sierra: A Journey on the John Muir Trail is a first-hand experience along the John Muir Trail, through the tallest mountain range in...

The Greatest Animal Migration

Millions of animals join forces annually to participate in one huge migration - always with luscious grass in their sights. Roaring, snorting, bucking, continuously...

BUM: 7 Days on the Streets of Melbourne

What happens when a young Australian from a middle class upbringing leaves the comfort of his home to live on the streets for one...

Ruby Ridge

This documentary covers the 11 day seige between the government and the Weaver family. This seige lit a fire for the Neo Nazi and...

The Trouble with Experts

As filmmaker Josh Freed’s entertaining new documentary The Trouble with Experts, reminds us, we are all addicted to experts. They tell us what to...

The Mystery of the Cocaine Mummies

Known as the Lady of the Two Lands, Henut Taui was mummified and enclosed in a desert tomb three thousand years ago in ancient...

Facing South: The Cult Business

1987. Recruitment activity in Brighton; L. Ron Hubbard; footage of auditing; opposition to Psychiatry; suicide of Rita (surname? ) after she was scared away...

Animal Pharm: Food For Thought

Mother Nature can no longer claim total dominion over the future of evolution. Some of the planet's most commonly consumed animals are undergoing extensive...
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