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Decoding the Past: Secrets of the Kabbalah

Once exclusively reserved for study by ultra-religious male scholars of Judaism, Kabbalah has recently become known as a multi-million dollar, celebrity-endorsed phenomenon. SECRETS OF...

Numbers Guy

David has a mind for numbers. He also works as a cashier at The Big Carrot, a mid-sized organic grocery store, in Toronto. When...

912 Days of the Warsaw Ghetto

This film was created for the Jewish Historical Institute as part of its permanent exhibit on the fate of Warsaw's Jews during the period...

Renegade Jewish Settlers

Israeli settlers have been slowly nibbling away at Palestine’s West Bank territory for four decades. 300,000 setllers now occupy outposts that range in size...

Miracle of Survival

Originally released in 1970, filmmaker Larry Frisch's historical documentary explores the origins, rise, and stunning resiliency of the modern State of Israel after declaring...

Punk Jews

"Punk Jews" invites viewers into a fascinating exploration of a subculture that defies convention and challenges stereotypes. This documentary profiles a diverse array of...

Mom, Why Did You Circumcise Me?

In the deeply personal documentary "Mom, Why Did You Circumcise Me?", Dutch journalist and filmmaker Michael Schaap embarks on a poignant journey to unravel...

The Forgotten Refugees

"The Forgotten Refugees" stands as a compelling documentary that shines a spotlight on a largely overlooked chapter in history—the mass exodus of Jews from...

Ancient Refuge in the Holy Land

In the heart of the Holy Land lies a hidden treasure, shrouded in mystery and ancient history. Nova takes us on an extraordinary archaeological...

Hillbrow: Between Heaven and Hell

In the heart of urban South Africa lies a neighborhood teetering on the edge, caught between the extremes of heaven and hell. Award-winning filmmaker...
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