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Black Holes and the High Energy Universe

The most powerful and violent events are not Earth-bound. They're taking place right now in space. The mysteries of the violent and highly magnetized...

Day of the Asteroid

Hollywood movies have long thrilled in showing us the catastrophic aftermath of an asteroid making direct impact with our planet. As explored in the...

The Space Shuttle: A Horizon Guide

This poignant film is a biography of the shuttle told using three decades of BBC programmes. The film asks if the shuttle will be...

Man on Mars: Mission to the Red Planet

In the awe-inspiring documentary "Man On Mars: Mission To The Red Planet," the tantalizing question of whether Mars has ever sustained life takes center...

Life: Destiny or Chance?

In the cosmic odyssey presented by "Life: Destiny or Chance?" the film undertakes a quest to unravel the mysteries that shroud the origins of...

Quantum Computer

In the intriguing documentary titled "Quantum Computer," viewers are taken on a captivating exploration of the reservoir of possibilities offered by the fundamental laws...

UFO – The Greatest Story Ever Denied

For those who have long harbored a sense of wonder and curiosity about the mysteries of the universe, "UFO – The Greatest Story Ever...

Debrief: Apollo 8

"Debrief: Apollo 8" transcends time and space, offering an unparalleled glimpse into one of humanity's most extraordinary achievements. This captivating compilation of footage meticulously...

Armstrong: NASA 50th Anniversary

In a solemn moment, the world bids farewell to US astronaut Neil Armstrong, the trailblazer who etched his name in history as the first...

The Untold History of the German Space Pioneers

As the world celebrated the momentous achievement of landing on the moon, an essential aspect of the lunar journey often remained overshadowed - the...
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