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Attack of the Dead Men

James Brown travels back in time to take part in what would be remembered as the "attack of the dead men," the bloody conclusion...

Albino Africa

In the Tanzanian countryside, albinos are the subject of a wide range of superstitions. Many believe that white-skinned Africans bring bad luck and that...

Fragile People

A day in life of someone who lives with osteogenesis imperfecta - or brittle bone disease - is fraught with risk. Even the tiniest...

Mosaic of Facts

Investigative filmmaker Miguel Francis-Santiago hosts Mosaic of Facts, an exploration of the role of the media in information sharing, and the many ways in...

Frack them all! ‘Safe’ drilling in US

The oil and gas industries will have you believe that the process known as fracking is safe and that every precaution is taken to...

Her War: Women Vs. ISIS

In the Syrian town of Serekaniye, the people live under constant threat from the unimaginable atrocities of ISIS. The revealing documentary Her War: Women...

Fallen Angels

The children stare at the camera and address a father figure they're never likely to meet. These are the orphaned children who populate the...

The Congo Dandies

You don't expect the most extravagant fashions to be flaunted in the regions of the world which are hardest hit by severely compromised living...

Imprisoned by Insanity

In the gripping documentary "Imprisoned By Insanity," RT takes viewers on a journey into the depths of a psychiatric hospital in St. Petersburg, Russia,...

10 Days in North Korea

"10 Days in North Korea" serves as a captivating exploration of a nation shrouded in mystery and seclusion. The documentary, centered around Pyongyang, the...
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