The Awakening


“The Awakening” is a thought-provoking and inspiring documentary by Australian researcher, activist, and author Max Igan. The film covers a range of controversial topics and important issues facing humanity, offering a unique perspective on the nature of reality, energy, and consciousness.

Through ancient traditions and modern science, Igan explains that all that exists within this reality is pure conscious energy, made from unconditional love. He emphasizes the importance of gaining a clear understanding of the true nature of the universe and our connection to all people and things. By following the path of the one universal law, we can overcome fear, hate, and judgment.

“The Awakening” offers a powerful message of hope and transformation. As the Earth undergoes significant changes, Igan encourages viewers to tune into the space behind their eyes and realize their true potential as frequencies of a single consciousness. Through knowledge, understanding, and love, we can navigate the challenges of this reality and create a better world for all.

Overall, “The Awakening” is a deeply insightful and transformative documentary that offers a unique perspective on the nature of reality and our place within it. Igan’s message is one of hope and empowerment, encouraging viewers to awaken to their true selves and connect with the world in a meaningful way.

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