This documentary explores ‘our world’s current state’ and provides an empowering message of how every individual can contribute in making the world a better place. The film investigates the galactic alignment, consciousness awakening, cycles of evolution, our binary star system with Sirius, the fear agenda in the media, who’s behind it, love vs fear, the power of choice, the purpose of life and much more. From the Author:”One of the best inspirational ‘movies’ if not the best one I saw in ages. Better than Thrive. ” Trebor – The One TruthUnderstand the bigger picture of all the numerous changes occurring on our earth & individual life’s in this uplifting & inspirational film ‘2012 Crossing Over: A New Beginning FINAL EDITION. ‘ An independent film made in its entirety by ONE filmmaker only, Amel Tresnjic”This is the FINAL EDITION of internet blockbuster ‘2012 Crossing Over: A New Beginning. ‘ The FIRST EDITION released a year ago has been seen by 1. 1million+ on YouTube alone. The film’s amazing success in inspiring LOVE & positive change in turn inspired me to make it even better! Now the film is bigger, better and yet a bit shorter;-) It’s message remains exactly the same, only the delivery is much greater. With all the new audio/visual improvements, I believe the film will reach a wider audience & as a result inspire even more LOVE in the universe. There is no marketing campaign behind the film, the first release went viral by the power of people sharing it. Please continue to share:-)” Amel
2012 Crossing Over: A New Beginning – FINAL EDITION