Grim Sweepers


“Grim Sweepers” is a docudrama series that offers a unique and unconventional look into the world of crime scene cleaning. The series pilot, which was created, directed, and photographed by the same person, follows the Toronto-based crime scene cleaners as they navigate the challenges of their profession. The series was first aired on July 4th, 2010.

The series provides an in-depth look into the day-to-day operations of crime scene cleaners, giving viewers an understanding of the technicalities and challenges of the profession. From dealing with the emotional toll of the job to the practical considerations of cleaning and decontaminating crime scenes, the series offers a fascinating glimpse into a profession that is often overlooked.

“Grim Sweepers” serves as an excellent example of how the unconventional and often overlooked aspects of society can be explored and understood through the lens of a docudrama series.

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