

“Frankensteer” is a documentary that delves into the disturbing reality of how the food industry is altering the ordinary cow to meet consumer demands for cheaper meat. The film exposes the use of antibiotics and hormones in the breeding and raising of cows, as well as the potential for these genetically modified animals to carry harmful bacteria.

Through undercover footage and interviews with industry insiders, “Frankensteer” paints a bleak picture of the consequences of our insatiable appetite for cheap meat. The film also sheds light on the lack of regulations and oversight in the industry, highlighting the need for consumers to be more informed about the true cost of the food they are buying.

As the film progresses, viewers are taken on a journey from the factory farms where cows are raised to the processing plants where they are turned into meat. The footage is at times difficult to watch, but it is important for the viewer to see the harsh realities of the industry.

One of the most powerful aspects of “Frankensteer” is the way it humanizes the cows and the people affected by the industry. The film explores the stories of farmers who have been driven out of business by large corporations and the workers who are exposed to dangerous conditions in the factories. It also showcases the efforts of activists who are fighting for change within the industry.

Overall, “Frankensteer” is a thought-provoking and eye-opening film that will leave viewers questioning their own dietary choices and the impact of the food industry on both animals and humans.

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