This World: Rwanda’s Untold Story


In “Revisiting Tragic History: The Unseen Story of Rwanda”, journalist Jane Corbin takes a deep dive into the shocking events of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. Through her expert investigation and thought-provoking examination, the film sets out to challenge the world’s understanding of what truly happened during those 100 days of terror.

From the controversial shooting down of the presidential plane to the allegations of war crimes committed by Rwandan forces, “Revisiting Tragic History” sheds light on the previously untold aspects of this devastating event. The film questions the claims made by Rwandan leader Paul Kagame and provides a unique perspective on the tragedy that took the lives of one million people.

By utilizing her unparalleled reporting skills and unwavering dedication to uncovering the truth, Corbin brings to life a new understanding of this significant moment in history. “Revisiting Tragic History: The Unseen Story of Rwanda” serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of seeking out the truth, no matter how difficult it may be.

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