How the Earth Was Made – Driest Place on Earth


In the age of technology, it’s easy to forget that there is still much to be discovered on our own planet. How The Earth Was Made – Driest Place On Earth takes viewers on a journey to the Atacama Desert, an otherworldly landscape that challenges our perceptions of what life can survive. From the towering Andes Mountains to the Pacific Ocean, this documentary showcases the extreme conditions that have shaped the Atacama into the driest place on Earth.

But it’s not all barren wasteland. Scientists have discovered a strain of bacteria in the Atacama that has given them hope for the possibility of finding life on Mars. Through stunning visuals and informative narration, How The Earth Was Made – Driest Place On Earth invites us to marvel at the wonders of our own planet and the potential for discovering life beyond it.

The Atacama Desert may seem like a desolate place, but this documentary proves that it is teeming with surprises. Join us on this journey to one of the most unique places on Earth, and discover the secrets that the Atacama has to offer.

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