Evolution Vs. God


In Evolution vs. God, Christian evangelist Ray Comfort challenges the views of biologists and ecology professors on the theory of evolution, and attempts to prove the superiority of creationism in explaining the mysteries of our existence. The documentary could have presented a fascinating open debate on a crucial subject, but instead devolves into a shallow-minded “gotcha” exercise.

Throughout the film, Comfort asks his subjects questions posed in a frustratingly limited context, undermining their ability to successfully argue their case. Despite being considered some of the brightest minds in their field, the filmmaker’s anti-intellectual stance prevents them from presenting their views in a meaningful way.

The documentary is interspersed with quotes from famous non-believers, including Professor Richard Dawkins, but the filmmaker makes no effort to justify his own beliefs with tangible evidence. Comfort’s true agenda becomes clear at the film’s conclusion as he urges each of his subjects to achieve personal salvation through a full embrace of God’s teachings.

While Evolution vs. God may elicit strong reactions from viewers, it ultimately fails to present a fair and unbiased look at the debate between evolution and creationism. The film’s approach is confrontational and does little to further the discussion on this important topic.

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