Fault Lines – Puerto Rico – The Fiscal Experiment


In “Fault Lines – Puerto Rico – The Fiscal Experiment,” the team at Fault Lines takes a closer look at the harsh economic policies that are being imposed on the people of Puerto Rico, who are struggling to cope with a severe budget crisis. The documentary highlights the ongoing debate about how to solve the crisis – and at what cost – as the government charges university students more to close a $3.2 billion budget gap.

The documentary features interviews with students who have been arrested for protesting against the tuition hike, as well as Governor Luis Fortuno, a hawkish fiscal conservative who has laid off 20,000 government workers and suspended all labor negotiations in an effort to address the budget crisis. Despite these measures, Puerto Rico’s labor unions are still struggling to reorganize a largely unemployed population, and the island is now in its fifth year of recession.

The documentary raises important questions about the degree of economic and social responsibility that the United States has to its commonwealth state, and explores America’s legacy as Puerto Rico’s ruler. It also highlights the broader debate about austerity measures and their impact on communities around the world.

Overall, “Fault Lines – Puerto Rico – The Fiscal Experiment” is a thought-provoking and timely documentary that sheds light on the complex issues facing Puerto Rico and other communities grappling with economic crises. The film offers a nuanced perspective on the debate about austerity measures and their impact on people’s lives, and serves as a powerful reminder of the human cost of fiscal policy.

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