Lady Killers: Beverly Allitt


“Lady Killers: Beverly Allitt” is a chilling documentary that delves into the mind of a nurse who committed heinous crimes against innocent children. The film provides a gripping account of how Beverley Allitt’s mental illness led her to carry out murders and attacks on vulnerable patients under her care.

Through interviews with investigators, medical professionals, and family members of the victims, the documentary sheds light on the shocking events that took place in several hospitals in Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire in the early 1990s.

The film also explores the complex and disturbing condition of Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy, which Allitt was diagnosed with. This rare mental disorder causes individuals to harm others, usually their own children, in order to gain attention and sympathy.

Despite the harrowing subject matter, “Lady Killers: Beverly Allitt” is a gripping and well-crafted documentary that provides a deep understanding of the psychological and emotional factors that can lead to such horrific acts of violence.

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