End of Nations – EU Takeover and The Lisbon Treaty


“End of Nations – EU Takeover and the Lisbon Treaty” is a chilling documentary that sheds light on the true nature of the European Union (EU) and its plans for a Totalitarian Superstate. The film exposes the deceit, propaganda, and outright lies that have been used to push the Lisbon Treaty, and reveals how it represents the end of nations within the EU.

The documentary features MEPs, legal experts, and EU researchers who provide insights into the workings of the EU and the true nature of the Lisbon Treaty. It uncovers the massive power grab that is being proposed by the elites, which would take power away from citizens and nations and hand it over to an unelected, unaccountable elite.

The film highlights the lack of transparency in EU decision-making and the absence of accountability for those in power. It raises serious concerns about the impact that the Lisbon Treaty will have on individual freedoms, democracy, and national sovereignty. It warns of the dangers of a Totalitarian Superstate that operates in secret, away from public scrutiny.

“End of Nations – EU Takeover and the Lisbon Treaty” is a powerful and thought-provoking documentary that raises important questions about the future of Europe and the world. It challenges viewers to think critically about the role of the EU and its impact on their lives, and to take action to protect their freedoms and their nations.

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