One Man, Six Wives and 29 Children


Step into the intriguing world of One Man, Six Wives and 29 Children, a thought-provoking documentary that peels back the layers of a practicing polygamist family residing in the heart of a Utah desert. First produced in 1999, this film offers a revealing and surreal exploration of their daily existence, delving into the controversial aspects of the fundamentalist Mormon faith that shape their unconventional way of life. As the cameras capture their story, we are confronted with a complex tapestry of beliefs, relationships, and societal norms that both horrify and fascinate.

At the center of this unconventional family stands Tom Green, a 51-year-old patriarch who, two decades prior, severed ties with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to indulge in multiple marriages—an act long forbidden by church officials. The documentary presents Green as a genial man, rationalizing his actions through impenetrable religious conviction. Similarly, his wives echo this sentiment, viewing their shared husband not as a pervert, but as a sacred calling from God—one they aspired to from a young age. They express a sense of value, support, and individual freedom within their arrangement, seemingly untouched by jealousy or discord.

As we delve further into their world, the intricate dynamics become even more perplexing. The revelation that two of the wives are mother and daughter adds another layer of complexity, challenging societal norms and perceptions. The children, some of whom are older than their father’s wives, are home-schooled, while the family grapples with the challenges of maintaining a large household on a modest income of just over $36,000 a year. The documentary sheds light on their living arrangements, intimate lives, and the internal conflicts that arise when their father contemplates taking a seventh wife—a woman who also captures the heart of one of his young sons.

One Man, Six Wives and 29 Children not only offers a glimpse into the singular reality of this particular family but also exposes the broader presence of illegal polygamy in the region. With an estimated 50,000 practitioners at the time of the film’s production, we confront the stark realization that their story is not as isolated as it may seem. The film intertwines horror and fascination, challenging viewers to navigate their own beliefs, prejudices, and understanding of family dynamics in the face of unconventional circumstances.

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