Inside Bountiful: Polygamy Investigation


The documentary “Inside Bountiful: Polygamy Investigation” takes viewers on a gripping journey into the heart of Canada’s most notorious polygamist community. Led by Winston Blackmore, the film offers a rare glimpse into the complex world of Bountiful, BC, where questions of faith and the law collide.

For decades, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) have scrutinized the practice of polygamy within Bountiful, but convictions have remained elusive. The film delves deep into the lives of Bountiful residents, shedding light on the controversial practice of plural marriages and the persistent legal challenges surrounding them.

Through unprecedented access, “Inside Bountiful: Polygamy Investigation” provides an intimate portrayal of the daily realities faced by its residents. The documentary raises thought-provoking questions about the delicate balance between religious freedom and the boundaries of the law.

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