In Saddam’s Shadow: 10 Years After


In the gripping documentary series “In Saddam’s Shadow: 10 Years After,” Vice takes us on a poignant journey through the heart of Baghdad, a city scarred by the aftermath of the US invasion. Guided by the compelling narrative of Waleed Nesyif, a man returning home after eight years, the film offers a raw and unfiltered perspective on a metropolis that was once constantly under the spotlight but now resides in the shadow of forgotten struggles.

The narrative unfolds with Vice founder Suroosh Alvi delving into the subcultures that have emerged in the wake of Saddam Hussein’s rule. An intriguing encounter with a Baghdadi biker gang provides a nostalgic glimpse into a bygone era, as members fondly reminisce about the days under Saddam’s authority. The juxtaposition of these recollections against the current state of the city creates a poignant commentary on the complex interplay between memory and reality.

The documentary’s exploration extends to the forgotten corners of Baghdad, shedding light on the lives of marginalized communities, particularly the struggles faced by emo youths and members of the LGBTQ+ community. Reports of violence against emo teenagers due to their appearance raise questions about the veracity of media portrayals. The film skillfully navigates through the blurred lines of truth and sensationalism, challenging preconceived notions and prompting viewers to reevaluate their understanding of Baghdad’s social fabric.

One of the film’s focal points is the ADE 651, a seemingly innocuous device employed by the Iraqi military at checkpoints to detect car bombs. However, the documentary unravels a startling revelation – these devices were proven ineffective three years prior. The continued use of these obsolete tools raises critical questions about the efficiency and decision-making within the military apparatus, adding an element of suspense and disbelief to the narrative.

As the camera weaves through the city’s streets, viewers are confronted with the paradox of a once globally-covered capital now relegated to the peripheries of international attention. The film prompts reflection on the cyclical nature of media focus, highlighting the transient nature of public interest and the enduring struggles faced by the people of Baghdad.

The documentary serves as a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit amid adversity, capturing the essence of a city grappling with the echoes of its past and the challenges of an uncertain future. “In Saddam’s Shadow: 10 Years After” invites audiences to witness the untold stories that linger in the alleys and neighborhoods, challenging them to confront the complexities of a post-invasion reality.

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