A Long Weekend with the Son of God


In the remote Siberian outpost of Minusinsk, filmmaker George Carey embarks on an extraordinary quest in “A Long Weekend With The Son Of God.” The documentary unfolds as Carey seeks to unravel the enigma surrounding a charismatic young man who claims to be the reincarnation of Christ. This Siberian messiah, known as Vissarion, has sparked the birth of a new religious movement, attracting thousands who have forsaken their former lives to follow him. The film captures the essence of this spiritual journey, blending surreal landscapes with the fervent faith of Vissarion’s disciples.

As Carey traverses the depopulated Siberian terrain, the contrast between the desolate surroundings and the fairyland of Vissarion village becomes apparent. The filmmaker encounters followers from diverse backgrounds, adding layers to the narrative. From a former Soviet missile officer turned singer to a Lithuanian artist guided by a Bulgarian clairvoyant, each individual contributes to the rich tapestry of belief in this secluded community. The documentary invites viewers to explore the motivations behind this collective spiritual journey, offering insights into the allure of a modern messiah in an unlikely setting.

The heart of the film lies in the anticipation of the most significant day in the village’s calendar. As the followers prepare for the expected descent of their Lord from the mountain, Carey captures the essence of devotion and communal celebration. “A Long Weekend With The Son Of God” is not just a cinematic exploration; it is an immersive experience into a world where faith, transformation, and an unexpected encounter with divinity converge against the backdrop of Siberia’s vast landscapes.

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