A Question of Eligibility


A Question of Eligibility is a documentary film that explores the controversy surrounding President Obama’s citizenship and qualifications for office. Produced by WorldNetDaily (WND), the film features prominent figures, including authors, attorneys, and activists, who challenge Obama’s legitimacy and demand proof of his qualifications. The film claims that Obama was not born in the United States and, therefore, is not eligible to be President.

The documentary has sparked heated debate and reignited long-standing disagreements about Obama’s citizenship. Some critics argue that the film perpetuates baseless conspiracy theories and undermines the legitimacy of the presidency. Others see it as a legitimate questioning of a president’s qualifications, especially in a time when national security concerns are at an all-time high.

The film’s presenters include WND senior staff writer Jerome Corsi, who is the No. 1 New York Times bestselling author of “The Obama Nation”; Orly Taitz, one of the most visible attorneys involved in filing lawsuits challenging Obama to produce proof of his qualifications for office; Alan Keyes, a participant in one of those lawsuits, a presidential candidate himself, and the Republican candidate who opposed Obama in his successful bid to become a U.S. senator, the job that brought him to national attention; and Janet Porter, an activist and pundit who writes a weekly column for WND.

The documentary draws attention to the legal challenges that Obama has faced regarding his eligibility for office. While the President has provided a birth certificate that confirms he was born in Hawaii, some of his critics argue that the document is fraudulent and that he was actually born in Kenya. Others claim that he is not a natural-born citizen because his father was not a U.S. citizen.

The controversy surrounding Obama’s citizenship is not new, but the documentary has reignited the debate and prompted many to reexamine the evidence. While some believe that the claims against Obama are unfounded, others believe that the questions raised in the documentary are legitimate and deserve further investigation.

Regardless of where one stands on the issue, it is clear that the controversy over Obama’s citizenship and eligibility for office will continue to be a contentious and divisive topic in American politics. The documentary is a timely and provocative examination of this issue, and it is sure to generate further debate and discussion.

In conclusion, “A Question of Eligibility” is a controversial documentary that explores the controversy surrounding President Obama’s citizenship and qualifications for office. The film features prominent figures who challenge Obama’s legitimacy and demand proof of his qualifications, and has reignited long-standing disagreements about Obama’s citizenship. The documentary is a timely and provocative examination of this issue, and it is sure to generate further debate and discussion.

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