Aerosol Crimes (aka Chemtrails)


“Aerosol Crimes (Aka Chemtrails)” is a thought-provoking documentary produced by dedicated chemtrail researcher Clifford Carnicom. This compelling 90-minute film is not only a must-see but also a valuable research tool that delves deep into the perplexing phenomenon of chemtrails. With over five years of investigative work, this documentary provides a wealth of evidence and insights, addressing a multitude of topics related to the enigmatic world of aerosol spraying in our skies.

From the outset, “Aerosol Crimes” makes it abundantly clear that something extraordinary is happening above our heads. It’s a phenomenon that has raised countless questions and ignited passionate debate within the research community. The documentary presents a convincing case that jets are deliberately and systematically releasing substances into the atmosphere, a practice that shows no signs of abating. To put an end to these operations, the film emphasizes the need for greater awareness and collective action.

One of the key aspects explored in the documentary is the fundamental difference between contrails and chemtrails. Contrails are the normal condensation trails that form behind aircraft in clean, cold, and dry air. In contrast, chemtrails are something altogether different. They require lower humidity levels and an aerosol base to develop, leading to a radical transformation of our skies. What was once a pristine expanse has now become marred by an unsightly haze that often obscures our view of the ground below.

The film underscores the disconcerting fact that aircraft are routinely dispersing materials into the upper atmosphere, typically at altitudes ranging from 35,000 to 40,000 feet. These materials don’t dissipate as contrails do; instead, they expand and linger, contributing to the haze that has become all too familiar. What’s particularly puzzling is that this phenomenon occurs at relatively low levels of humidity, well below the threshold typically associated with cloud formation.

As a result, it’s increasingly evident that these trails cannot be classified as conventional clouds. They represent a unique and artificial creation that challenges our understanding of atmospheric and geophysical sciences. “Aerosol Crimes” invites viewers to delve into this perplexing world, urging us to question what is happening in our skies and why.

In conclusion, “Aerosol Crimes (Aka Chemtrails)” is a documentary that raises important questions about the state of our skies and the phenomenon of chemtrails. Clifford Carnicom’s meticulous research and dedication to uncovering the truth shine through in this eye-opening film. Whether you’re a seasoned researcher in the field or someone new to the topic, this documentary offers a compelling exploration of a subject that warrants our attention.

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