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All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars

In the eye-opening documentary “All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars,” viewers are invited to examine the complex relationship between central banking and America’s major wars throughout history. The film delves into a thought-provoking exploration of the hidden forces and potential motivations behind these conflicts.

Through a meticulous analysis of direct quotes from founders, presidents, and world leaders, the documentary sheds light on the profound connections between the banking system and the nation’s military engagements. From the inception of the American Revolution to the present day, the film uncovers the threads that link banking institutions to the course of warfare.

The film commences by presenting a historical context, drawing attention to the notable figures involved in the early stages of America’s struggle for independence. Quotations from luminaries such as King George III and Benjamin Franklin provide insight into the influence of banking interests during this transformative period.

Moving forward in time, the documentary meticulously examines each major war in which America has been involved. Through compelling direct quotes, it presents an alternative perspective on the driving forces behind these conflicts. The film poses challenging questions about the role of banking institutions and their potential impact on geopolitical events.

While exploring the historical context of wars, “All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars” culminates in a poignant warning and a call for proactive measures to prevent future global conflicts. By unveiling the interplay between banking and warfare, the film provokes thoughtful consideration of alternative paths towards peace and stability.

This thought-provoking documentary invites viewers to question prevailing narratives and delve deeper into the complex dynamics that shape global conflicts. It challenges conventional wisdom and prompts reflection on the potential influences of banking interests on geopolitical affairs.

Prepare to embark on a journey that exposes the intricate web of connections between banking and warfare. “All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars” encourages critical thinking and encourages viewers to consider alternative perspectives on the causes and consequences of historical and contemporary conflicts.