Ball of Light


In this captivating 15-minute documentary, audiences are taken on a journey of transformation and renewal as they follow the story of Denis Smith. Once a high-pressure sales professional plagued by depression, debt, and a reliance on alcohol, Denis stumbled upon light painting and his life was forever altered.

Smith’s story is a testament to the transformative power of the creative process. Through the lens of light painting, he discovered a new lease on life, a renewed sense of purpose, and a means of escape from the trappings of his former existence. The film portrays Smith’s journey from darkness to inspiration, highlighting the profound impact that embracing one’s passions can have on one’s overall well-being.

The film masterfully interweaves stunning light painting visuals with candid interviews and personal reflections from Denis, allowing audiences to connect with his story on a deeper level. The film’s stunning visual displays are not only aesthetically pleasing but also serve to emphasize the impact that the creative process can have on the human spirit.

Denis’ story is a reminder that it is never too late to make a change and pursue one’s passions. The film’s uplifting message is sure to inspire and motivate audiences to take charge of their own lives and pursue their passions with determination and vigor.

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