Buying the War


The documentary “Buying the War” delves into a critical and often overlooked aspect of the lead up to the Iraq war – the media’s role in facilitating the government’s push for war. The film offers a sobering look at how the Bush administration manipulated the media, and how the media, in turn, relinquished its journalistic integrity.

In the aftermath of 9/11, the country was united in its anger and desire for retribution. The media, like everyone else, was shell-shocked by the horrors of the attack. As the military prepared to attack the terrorists in Afghanistan, the media started to report on the civilian casualties. However, soon the “patriot police” started to influence the news, leading to a media landscape where critical scrutiny was suppressed in favor of a focus on unity and patriotism.

Walter Isaacson, then Chairman and CEO of CNN, sent a memo to his staff instructing them to balance the images and stories of civilian killings with reminders of September 11th. The film highlights the dangerous consequences of allowing the government to dictate the news and the importance of maintaining a free and independent press.

The documentary “Buying the War” serves as a wake-up call to the media, reminding them of their duty to provide the public with the truth and not become complicit in the propaganda of a government that is leading the country down a dangerous path. The film offers a compelling argument for why we need to remain vigilant and hold the media accountable for their reporting.

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