Archiculture takes a thoughtful, yet critical look at the architectural studio. The 25-minute film offers a unique glimpse into the world of studio-based, design...
Lego Art
LEGO blocks are one of the most beloved toys in the world, playing a role in many a person's childhood. But for some creators,...
A look at the period of time musician John Lennon and his family spent living in New York City during the 1970s.
Style Wars
A documentary that exposes the rich growing subculture of hip-hop that was developing in New York City in the late '70s and early '80s,...
What the Future Sounded Like
From Dr Who to The Dark Side of the Moon to modern day dance music, the pioneering members of the Electronic Music Studios radically...
Ladies and Gentlemen… Mr. Leonard Cohen
Ladies and Gentlemen…Mr. Leonard Cohen paints an informal portrait of the legendary Montreal poet, novelist and songwriter both onstage and off.
We Are All Artists, 1936
We Are All Artists, traces our experience of the aeshetic in the everyday; it begins by considering the related categories of beauty, art, and...
Borrowed Blues
Music has always been a central part of human culture, connecting us to our emotions, our memories, and each other. In Borrowed Blues, we...
UK Jungle Music
Original aired on the BBC in 1994, this documentary follows the jungleclub scene in the UK at the top of its game. Featuring interviews...
The Pixel Painter
In the ever-evolving realm of art, it's rare to come across an individual who defies the odds and pushes boundaries with their craft. Meet...