Derren Brown: Miracles for Sale

In this documentary, renowned mentalist Derren Brown sets out to uncover the truth behind faith healing by demonstrating how easily one can manipulate a...

The God Who Wasn’t There

The God Who Wasn't There is a 2005 independent documentary written and directed by Brian Flemming. The documentary questions the existence of Jesus, examining...

The Atheist Experience: Ray Comfort Interview

Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser with guest Ray Comfort. Interview with Ray Comfort. Matt and Russell have a conversation "across the divide" with professional...

The Thinking Atheist

Using satire, research and some common sense, we explore common-sense questions about God. A former Christian of 30 years, I ultimately found that religion,...

From Christian to Atheist

In this video, the film maker explains why he is no longer a Christian, why the claims of Christianity are not true, why many...

Secular Believers

"Secular Believers" invites viewers into the diverse and nuanced realm of beliefs, expanding the narrative beyond the confines of traditional religiosity. In a world...

Atheism and Critical Thinking

This is a web series by a UK artist and secular humanist (QualiaSoup) discussing critical thinking, science, philosophy and the natural world. He discusses...

Collision – Christopher Hitchens vs. Douglas Wilson

In the gripping documentary COLLISION, two intellectual heavyweights, Christopher Hitchens and Douglas Wilson, engage in a fierce debate that delves into the heart of...
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