Who Will Save the Euro?

In the heart of Rome, the Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio is a creative force that brings together a diverse group of musicians from all...

Witness – Greece – Protesting the protesters

In "Witness", we are presented with an uncommon viewpoint on the Greek protests that have rocked the nation in recent years. Instead of following...

North Korea – A time of uncertainty

In the latest episode of Counting the Cost, we delve into the complex world of North Korea – a nation shrouded in uncertainty and...

Fault Lines: The Color of Recession

Fault Lines is a documentary series that takes a hard look at some of the most pressing issues facing our world today. In the...

Chinese Workers in Disney’s World – Part II

"Chinese Workers In Disney’s World – Part II" continues the exploration of the challenging circumstances endured by workers laboring for Disney in China. Delving...

The Brussels Business

As a society, we often assume that democracy is a transparent and fair system of governance. However, The Brussels Business presents an eye-opening portrayal...

101 East – Microfinance – Banking on Debt

Microfinance is a concept that has taken the world by storm, with its promise of alleviating poverty and empowering communities through access to financial...
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