Crackheads Gone Wild
"Crackheads Gone Wild," a documentary released in 2006, presents a stark exploration of cocaine addiction in Atlanta. Produced by Jarrod Donoman, this film penetrates...
Hooked: Illegal Drugs & How They Got That Way
In the eye-opening documentary "Hooked: Illegal Drugs & How They Got That Way," the profound influence of drugs on society is brought to light....
Plan Colombia: Cashing-In on the Drug War Failure
Step into the gripping world of "Plan Colombia: Cashing-In On The Drug War Failure," a documentary that unveils the hidden truths and harsh realities...
Legally High
"The Rise of Legal Highs: Unveiling the Underworld of Designer Drugs" takes viewers on a gripping journey into the murky world of legal substances...
Marijuana Nation
"Marijuana Nation" takes viewers on a thought-provoking journey into the complex relationship between the United States government and marijuana. Despite years of scientific findings...
Goonj: The Empty Call
In the captivating documentary "Goonj: The Empty Call," renowned actor Mr. Naseeruddin Shah leads us on an eye-opening exploration of the contentious issue surrounding...
Hofmann’s Potion
"Hofmann's Potion" is a fascinating documentary that explores the potential medical benefits of LSD, a psychedelic drug that has long been associated with counterculture...
Medical Marijuana Corruption
"Medical Marijuana Corruption" is a hard-hitting investigative documentary that uncovers the darker side of Canada's medical marijuana license program. While the program was designed...
How Drugs Work – Ecstasy
"How Drugs Work: Ecstasy" is a fascinating documentary that explores the biological process behind one of the world's most notorious drugs. Over the past...
The City Addicted to Crystal Meth
Fresno, California has recently been plagued by a growing epidemic of crystal meth addiction. This powerful and highly addictive drug has not only destroyed...