Ibogaine: Rite of Passage

"Ibogaine: Rite Of Passage" delves into the enigmatic world of a substance that sits at the crossroads of cultural tradition, addiction treatment, and controversy....

Ancient Drugs

Human history is a tapestry woven with threads of curiosity, exploration, and the pursuit of the extraordinary. "Ancient Drugs," a thought-provoking documentary, delves deep...

Can I Get High Legally?

George Lamb's latest documentary, "Can I Get High Legally?", delves into the controversial world of legal party pills and herbal highs. The film takes...

We Love Cigarettes

As experts in the field of public health and smoking, we understand the importance of gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation of the complex...

Zustandswechsel (Changing Lanes)

Zustandswechsel, or Changing Lanes in English, is a fascinating documentary that takes a deep dive into the world of hemp in Styria, a region...

Rollin: The Rise of the Drug Economy in Detroit

Detroit was once the seed of the world's greatest economic empire - the auto-industry. Whether you came from Southern Europe, the Middle East or...

Investigating the Haitian Zombie

In the mysterious realm of Haitian folklore, whispers abound of a clandestine substance with the power to transform the living into the enigmatic beings...

Hallucinogen Honey Hunters – Hunting mad honey

Embark on a riveting journey with the Nepalese tribe in "Hallucinogen Honey Hunters" as they hunt for wild honey with natural psychoactive properties. Discover...

Dopesick: Fentanyl’s Deadly Grip

This VICE feature film follows the lives of people in Alberta, Canada, affected by the powerful opioid drug fentanyl. The underlying source of the...


From Neuroscience to Shamanic Healing and everything in between. This documentary film concisely illuminates the emerging interdisciplinary field of Psychedelic Studies in a way...
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