Fault Lines – Fast Food, Fat Profits – Obesity in America

Obesity in America has reached a crisis point. Two out of every three Americans are overweight, one out of every three is obese. One...

Surgery’s Dirty Secrets

Vigorous investigation of a topical issue. Panorama investigates concerns about the quality of surgical instruments being used on patients in the UK. Reporter Samantha...

Cell Phones: What They Didn’t Tell You

In the eye-opening documentary, "Cell Phones: What They Didn't Tell You," Dr. Nick Begich takes us on a journey into the lesser-known aspects of...

Ending Endometriosis: The Search For A Cure

In the realm of medical documentaries, "Ending Endometriosis" emerges as a poignant and enlightening journey into the world of a debilitating disease that affects...

Chemtrail or Contrail

The intrigue of the sky isn't limited to celestial bodies. "Chemtrail Or Contrail" presents a compelling exploration of two atmospheric phenomena that have sparked...

Living With Size Zero

In the kaleidoscope of modern beauty standards, the phenomenon of size zero has emerged as a polarizing and often controversial trend. It has captured...

The Origins of AIDS

Documentary about the hypothesis that HIV may have been caused by mass vaccination against Polio, in Congo, between 1957 and 1960.


In the realm of documentary filmmaking, there are subjects that demand our attention not merely for their entertainment value but for their power to...

Race To The Bottom: Ireland

This film delves into Irish horsemeat scandal, revealing a systematic criminal harvest of thousands of horses, which netted millions and stretches well beyond Ireland’s...

Syble Hopp: A Documentary

In DePere, Wisconsin there is a school that exists because of one person. This short documentary is about that interesting story.
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