Punchlines For Progress: Why Jon Stewart is one of the most...

In today's fast-paced, ever-evolving society, it can be challenging to stay informed and engaged with current events. However, a powerful tool for cutting through...

Inside Iranian Cinema

"Inside Iranian Cinema" offers a captivating exploration of the vibrant and influential world of Iranian filmmakers. Against the backdrop of Iran's contentious nuclear programs...

The Collision of Journalism and Consumerism

"The Collision of Journalism and Consumerism" is an enlightening and thought-provoking documentary that explores the complex relationship between capitalism, government, and the media. Through...

Independent Media In a Time of War and Elections

In the thought-provoking documentary "Independent Media In A Time Of War And Elections," the Hudson Mohawk Independent Media Center presents a powerful and impassioned...

Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media

A film about the noted American linguist/political dissident and his warning about corporate media's role in modern propaganda.

Sexy Inc: Our Children Under Influence

In "Sexy Inc: Our Children Under Influence," Sophie Bissonnette masterfully unravels the disturbing trend of hypersexualization and its far-reaching impact on young minds. Through...

Eyes of the Storm

In the annals of journalistic history, there are moments when the unwavering dedication of photojournalists shines through as a testament to the indomitable human...

Inside Story – North Korea: Altering the balance of power?

The recent nuclear test by North Korea has sent shockwaves around the world and raised concerns about the country's intentions and the potential for...

Secrets of the Superbrands – Food

Alex Riley is on the trail of the global food and drink giants. What's so special about them? How have they penetrated our brains...

Hollywood and The Pentagon – A Dangerous Liaison

In the shadows of the silver screen, an unlikely alliance has been forged between Hollywood and the Pentagon. Behind the glitz and glamour lies...
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