The US military with its vast complex web of branches, agencies and bureaucracies is, in socio-political terms, a metastasized cancer run rampant in the American body of politics, and the Americans are dying of it. Not surprising, the core purpose of armies is to kill people. Every country that has ever had one claimed it was for defense but all history proves their function has never varied – to kill people and appropriate their wealth. The American military isn’t killing Americans directly. It has an endless supply of other peoples to kill that way. It’s killing the Americans as all cancers kill, by eating the living tissue of their nation and its insatiable drive to perpetuate itself. An official army was created before their country was. After independence it made major territorial thefts, slaughtering Indians and other nation’s forces before splitting into factions and entering bloody civil war. That horror upheld the national psyche but soon the reunited American military launched imperialistic expansion that took Cuba and the Philippines from Spain. Experience showed that there was no need to colonize nations to control them. Far more efficient way is to invade, crush resistance, install puppets and subject them to unlimited economic exploitation. United States military became the most well-armed, technologically advanced war-making machine that world had never known. One definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly expecting different results. Addiction is a kind of insanity. The American people have been addicted by relentless indoctrination to the worship of a cynically concocted fantasy version of their country. The first step in breaking addiction is to get out of denial. The video Let Your Life Be a Friction to Stop the Machine was made to jolt Americans awake to their reality. Indoctrination by propaganda works. It is how people enslave themselves and willingly become pawns and livestock for their ruling class. The founders had deep experience based fears about the government. Liberals like Jefferson feared tyranny, conservatives like Hamilton feared anarchy. The Philadelphia constitutional convention in bruising debate created a Republic in which elected representatives were to act in the name and the interest of the people. The best minds feared its susceptibility to corruption but in the end relied on the separation of powers into executive legislative and judicial branches to offset that threat. Their reliance was naive, their fears were not.
Class War