College Conspiracy


When it comes to attending college, there are many myths and misconceptions that are perpetuated by the college-industrial complex. One of the most common is the belief that a college degree will earn you an extra $1 million in lifetime income compared to a high school graduate without a degree. However, the reality is that most Americans spend six years attending college before graduating, and tuition inflation is on the rise. In fact, a college that charges $30,000 today will have tuition of $38,563 in the sixth year a student attends it.

College Conspiracy is a groundbreaking documentary that explores the true cost of attending college. It factors in not just rapidly rising tuition expenses, but also the interest payments on student loans and the lost income that students would have earned if they had worked at an average entry-level job that doesn’t require a college degree. NIA’s investigation has revealed that the organizations that helped create and promote the $1 million in additional income myth included General Equivalency Diploma (GED) recipients as being high school graduates, which artificially inflates the amount of additional lifetime income that college graduates earn over high school graduates.

The truth is that the college-industrial complex has created not only myths but outright hoaxes to lure American students into becoming indentured servants for life. College Conspiracy uncovers the real numbers that are never discussed in the mainstream media. The documentary sheds light on the fact that the organizations promoting these myths have an agenda, and that agenda is not in the best interest of the students.

In fact, three years ago, when 15 new pharmacist schools were about to open in the U.S., the college cartel bribed economists to come out with phony research reports showing that the U.S. was experiencing a huge shortage of pharmacists. This is just one example of the manipulations that are taking place behind the scenes.

The bottom line is that attending college is not the golden ticket to success that it is often made out to be. The college-industrial complex is a well-oiled machine that is designed to make money, not to educate students. College Conspiracy is a must-see documentary for anyone who is considering attending college or who has already been caught up in the system.

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