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For our own individual sanity, the huge lesson for us is to learn how to reconnect. The bigger question is if it’s possible for economic growth to continue indefinitely without destroying the planet? Anybody who thinks that it’s crazy to say we can do without growth the onus is on them to prove that we can live with it. If you fast forward and think what future generations will be ashamed of, one of the things will be how we allowed poverty to exist on this planet for so long when we could have easily end it. But the world is changing. for the first time you’re not only getting the voice of the possibly elected, selected or self-selected few at the top. The world isn’t painted in that simplistic way it used to be. Paul Maple is a freelance filmmaker and he’s been making short films for some years now and he wanted to make a longer film about some of the issues that concern him, his family and the wider world. Can we build a fair economy? Can we create a sustainable future? Can ordinary people influence society? What kind of future are we going to create for the next generation? He and his family decided to pack up their house and live in a caravan for a year to travel across Europe and ask those questions. What they found was many people working with dedicated passion to improve lives in their own communities and beyond. This film has been his family’s life for the last four years. They’re not a big production company with big resources. it’s just them, finding the time between school runs to make something that they truly believe in. They, like many others, want to be the part of the biggest movement on Earth, the movement for change. In this film they have looked at issues that they believe are key to shaping our collective future, the first of which is strategic change. Personally they’ve always been frustrated by government decisions that they have felt powerless to influence.