Controlling Our Food: The World According to Monsanto


In the thought-provoking documentary “Controlling Our Food: The World According to Monsanto,” viewers are confronted with a sobering examination of the practices and influence of the global agricultural corporation. The film takes a critical look at Monsanto’s role in producing pesticides, hormone-enhanced animal products, and genetically modified seeds that have become ubiquitous in our food system.

Through compelling evidence and expert testimonies, “Controlling Our Food” sheds light on the potential health and environmental risks associated with Monsanto’s products. The documentary exposes the alleged connection between these products and various diseases, including cancer and cognitive disorders. It raises important questions about the long-term consequences of widespread exposure to these chemicals and genetically modified crops.

The film also delves into the controversial history of Monsanto, revealing its involvement in the production of harmful substances such as Napalm and PCB oils, which have been linked to severe health issues. These revelations draw attention to the ethical implications of a company whose products have had far-reaching effects, likened to a small atomic bomb.

“Controlling Our Food” challenges viewers to critically evaluate the practices of Monsanto and the broader issues surrounding our global food system. It prompts us to consider the balance between profit-driven industrial agriculture and the health and well-being of both consumers and the planet.

Prepare to be both shocked and enlightened as you delve into “Controlling Our Food: The World According to Monsanto.” This documentary invites viewers to question the ethical and environmental consequences of Monsanto’s dominance in the agricultural industry and to contemplate the role of corporate influence in shaping our food choices.

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