Creationist Junk Debunked


A look at some of the most famous urban myths spread by creationists, and the fundamentalists who peddle them. The creator of Climate Change and From Big Bang to Us: Made Easy (@potholer54), is debunking creationist myths, and answering questions that fundamentalists have about the real evidence for our origins. Here are some of the myths being debunked in the playlist:Atheists are immoral. A common criticism of atheists is that they have no values, no moral compass, and a philosophy of “if it feels good, do it. ” But is that really borne out by the evidence? And, if not, where does their moral compass come from? Carbon dating doesn’t work. Living snails that carbon-date to 2,300 years old, a living seal that was carbon-dated at 1,300 years old, and 8,000-year-old living penguins. Not to mention dinosaur bones that dated to 20,000 years ago. Obviously carbon dating doesn’t work, unless you understand it. Noah’s Flood. This has nothing to do with questions about where all the water came from, where it went, and how all those animals got into the ark. It’s about the sedimentary evidence that shows there never was a global flood. Grand Canyon carved by floodwater. The Grand Canyon is such an icon of the Earth’s geological history, of slow and steady uplift, erosion, submergence and deposition, that the creationist crowd thought it essential to tackle it head on.

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