Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America


The documentary Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America seeks to expose the infiltration of Marxist ideals into the cultural fabric of the United States. The film argues that the erosion of traditionalist, Christian values, which have long defined the character of the country, is the result of this ideological infiltration. The filmmakers claim that this has created vast divides in modern western society.

The documentary is likely to appeal to an audience who are disenchanted with the direction of the country in recent decades and who long for a return to a way of life that last dominated prior to the sexual revolution of the 1960s. According to the filmmakers, this period in history is when the culture first began to reject the values of prior generations, and thereby ushered in a pervasive anti-establishment movement, primarily driven by America’s susceptible youth.

The film features a panel of interview subjects including former presidential candidates Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan, who help to unspool the means by which this revolt was made possible. The film places a significant part of the blame firmly at the doorstep of the “Frankfurt School” and Marxist theorist/professor Antonio Gramsci. Gramsci believed that a de-Christianization of the west was in order, and could only be achieved through a patient infiltration of its most treasured institutions.

According to the viewpoints presented in the film, evidence of Gramsci’s mission’s success can be found in the destruction of the family unit, the marginalization of religion, and wildly disintegrating sexual morality. Once these fundamentals are violated, all other aspects of a functioning society are made vulnerable as well, including the country’s military power, banking systems, protections for gun ownership, and the sanctity of the constitution itself.

Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America casts a disparaging eye on this era of political correctness and those on the left who, in the film’s view, work to propagate it. It provides a perspective that is cleanly presented and thoroughly articulated. However, it is likely to divide audiences of differing political persuasions.

Overall, Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America presents a compelling perspective on the divisive issues of our time. The documentary provides an intriguing examination of modern western society and the influence of Marxist ideals on society, and its impact on fundamental institutions.

In summary, Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America is a thought-provoking documentary that offers a fresh perspective on the cultural divides of modern western society. It is likely to appeal to those who are interested in exploring the erosion of traditionalist, Christian values in America and the influence of Marxist ideals on society. The film is an essential viewing experience that will undoubtedly spark conversations and debate among audiences.

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