Delhi Dump


Environmental abuse is a global issue that affects millions of people. The documentary “Delhi Dump” takes a closer look at the effects of global warming on the common man, capturing the struggles of those who work and live in and around the massive waste dump in Delhi.

Through the eyes of the rag-picker, the coin-diver, and the industrial worker, the film paints a harrowing picture of the reality of environmental abuse. It’s a reality that is often overlooked in the global warming debate, but one that affects millions of people on a daily basis.

The rag-picker sifts through the trash, searching for anything that can be sold or reused. The coin-diver wades through the muck and mire, hoping to find a lost treasure. The industrial worker toils away in dangerous conditions, exposing himself to hazardous chemicals and pollutants. These are just a few of the individuals who are impacted by environmental abuse, and their stories are brought to light in this powerful documentary.

“Delhi Dump” is a wake-up call for all of us. It reminds us that the environment is not an abstract concept but a very real and tangible part of our lives. We are all responsible for the state of our environment today, and it’s up to us to take action to make a difference.

Through this documentary, we are forced to confront the harsh reality of environmental abuse and its impact on the lives of millions of people. It’s a disturbing snapshot of the state of our environment today, but it’s also a call to action. We must all do our part to protect the planet and ensure a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.

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