Drugs Inc: High in Houston


As experts in the field of public health and safety, we understand the importance of gaining insight into the complex issues that impact our communities. This is a principle that is highlighted in the television program “Drugs Inc: High in Houston.”

The show takes viewers to the Fifth Ward of Houston, Texas, a known drug hub, to see firsthand the impact of drugs on the area’s economy and population. The program features interviews with individuals involved in the drug trade, including a major crack cocaine dealer, a Hispanic street gang member, addicts, a pimp, and a full-patch member of the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas white supremacist prison gang. Viewers will also learn about the dangers of a prescription cough remedy that is commonly abused and called “lean.”

The program serves as a valuable resource for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of the complex issues surrounding drug use and trafficking in the United States. It highlights the importance of awareness, education and prevention when it comes to drugs, and how it affects the community as a whole.

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