Embracing the Sacred: The Story of Glencairn Museum


Once the private home of the Raymond and Mildred Pitcairn family, Glencairn serves as a museum of religious art and history, honoring the spiritual traditions of people through the ages. “Embracing the Sacred: The Story of Glencairn Museum” features spectacular aerial photography of Glencairn, Bryn Athyn Cathedral, and Cairnwood, rare archival footage, and historic photographs. This visually rich documentary film introduces the viewer to: The life of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) and the founding of the New Church; the establishment of the Academy of the New Church and Bryn Athyn College in the 1870s; the founding of Bryn Athyn in the 1890s; the design and construction of Glencairn (1928-1939) and Bryn Athyn Cathedral (dedicated in 1919); and the remarkable art collection assembled by Raymond Pitcairn (1885-1966) in the 1920s and 30s. Directed by Christopher Smith (TDI Productions) Written by Ed Gyllenhaal Produced by Ed Gyllenhaal and Stephen Morley Coordinated by Joralyn Echols Narrated by Chris Waelchli Score by Solomon Keal, with additional music from the Glencairn Horns and Paul Butler’s “Of Dyverse Mynstralsye. ” This film was made possible by generous grants from the Glencairn Foundation and the PW Haas Charitable Trust (B) at the recommendation of Chara Cooper Haas.

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