Erica: Man Made


Meet Erica, a 23-year-old with an impeccably neutral face and a voice that resonates in a synthesized symphony. Her appearance and articulation may seem like elements of science fiction, yet they are tangible products of the innovative mind of Hiroshi Ishiguro, the provocative genius in the world of Japanese robotics. Together, they embark on a groundbreaking journey that challenges the very essence of humanity and redefines our perception of what it means to be human. In “Erica: Man Made,” the future unfurls before our eyes, urging us to contemplate the proximity of a future where the boundaries between human and machine may blur in ways we’ve never imagined.

In this riveting documentary, we encounter Erica, an artificial entity, equipped with 20 degrees of freedom, her presence almost ethereal. Yet, her journey is far from complete, as she cannot yet move her hands. This discrepancy between her human-like appearance and her technological limitations raises profound questions about the possibilities and constraints of robotics and artificial intelligence.

At the helm of this captivating exploration is Hiroshi Ishiguro, affectionately known as the “bad boy of Japanese robotics.” He is the visionary responsible for Erica’s existence and the driving force behind the relentless pursuit of merging human and artificial intelligence. Together, they illuminate a path toward a future where the boundaries of what it means to be human become increasingly porous.

“Erica: Man Made” invites us to envision a world where the synthesis of technology and humanity redefines the very essence of our existence. It poses questions that resonate far beyond the confines of the screen, encouraging us to contemplate the future and the profound transformations it may bring to our understanding of self and society.

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