Fabled Enemies


“Fabled Enemies” delves into the intricate web of events surrounding September 11th, 2001, shedding light on a narrative often overshadowed by physical anomalies. Directed by Jason Bermas, this thought-provoking documentary ventures beyond the surface to explore a vast intelligence network’s role in the events of that fateful day.

The film opens by revisiting the immediate aftermath of the attacks, underscoring the swift public conviction of Osama Bin Laden as the sole perpetrator. With a gripping compilation of footage, viewers are reminded of the singular narrative that dominated the court of public opinion from the outset. However, as the documentary unfolds, it raises compelling questions about the broader context surrounding the attacks.

One of the most unsettling revelations explored in “Fabled Enemies” is the intricate training history of the alleged hijackers. The film points out that many of them underwent training at U.S. military facilities, a detail that invites a deeper examination of the complex ties between the individuals and organizations involved. Additionally, the documentary highlights the FBI’s involvement, revealing connections between some hijackers and the bureau itself.

A central thread in the film’s narrative is the impediments faced by those within the FBI who sought to pursue investigations targeting Bin Laden and his financial backers. The documentary raises crucial questions about the challenges and roadblocks encountered by agents attempting to uncover the truth behind the attacks. This aspect of the film underscores the complexity of the narrative and the significant hurdles faced by those seeking answers.

Jason Bermas brings a fresh perspective to the events of September 11th, shifting the focus from physical anomalies to the broader intelligence network that potentially played a role. “Fabled Enemies” doesn’t claim to provide definitive answers, but it challenges the accepted narrative, urging viewers to question the established accounts and consider the possibility of a more intricate backdrop to the tragedy.

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