“Fat Head” is a thought-provoking and eye-opening documentary that challenges the commonly held beliefs about obesity and healthy eating. The film follows comedian Tom Naughton as he embarks on an experiment to lose weight on a fast-food diet, while also refuting the claims made in the popular documentary “Super Size Me.”
The film is a powerful and well-researched exploration of the obesity “epidemic” and how it has been portrayed in the media. Naughton’s unique perspective as a comedian provides a refreshing and humorous take on a topic that is often approached with a heavy-handed tone. He uses facts and data to demonstrate how the conventional wisdom about diet and health is often based on flawed science and misinformation.
The film is not only entertaining but also informative, it challenges the viewer to question their own beliefs about healthy eating and to seek out reliable sources of information. “Fat Head” is a must-watch for anyone interested in understanding the truth about obesity and nutrition.