Florida Man


In “Florida Man,” director Sean Dunne delves into the lives of everyday individuals in the quirky state of Florida, offering a glimpse into the diverse perspectives and experiences of those living on the fringes of society. Through raw and unfiltered footage of his subjects in their natural habitats, Dunne masterfully captures the humanity and complexity of his subjects, from barroom brawlers to silent stoics.

Dunne’s film invites viewers to consider the nuances of existence in America today, challenging us to look beyond our own comfortably defined circles and understand the struggles and triumphs of those living on the streets. The film’s subjects, hailing from various regions of the country and diverse backgrounds, offer a unique and authentic window into the human experience.

Though the film only provides snippets of the subjects’ life stories, it leaves the viewer wanting to know more about these fascinating individuals. Dunne’s “Florida Man” is a powerful and thought-provoking documentary that will leave a lasting impact on its audience.

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