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Can we trust our elections? My name is John. Since I was a kid, I have been a proud American. But after questionable elections led to disastrous outcomes for my country, I felt I had to find out if our process of electing leaders was secure. This investigation led me on a journey throughout Ohio, the pivotal swing state that decided the last presidential election. I met politicians, activists, election officials, journalists, attorneys, party leaders, a lot of cool locals who helped me shoot it all, and Jerry Springer. The evidence I came across showed not just efforts to steal votes at the polls, but to systematically block millions of Americans from even casting a vote. When some people know they can’t win fairly, they’ll do everything they can to cheat. My hope is that this will help everyone understand how our elections are really going down, right now in 2008, right here in America. Voting is not enough anymore. (though a huge turnout is key). As I found out, the 2008 election has already been stolen: We need to swipe it back.

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