Freedom Fuels


“Freedom Fuels” is a must-see film for anyone interested in the future of energy and the environment. The film takes an in-depth look at renewable fuel sources, such as bio-diesel, ethanol, and vegetable oil, and explores the interaction of the petroleum industry and alternative fuels over the last 150 years. It examines the global impact that biofuels can have on our future and provides an unblemished look at where we are and why public support now is so important to the well-being of future generations.

The film is a series of interviews with farmers and biofuel innovators, economic and energy security experts, engaged government policymakers, and the occasional false prophets of inertia. These interviews are expertly woven together to create a compelling and informative narrative. The film also does an excellent job of providing a balanced view of the biofuel industry, highlighting both the potential benefits and the challenges that need to be overcome.

One of the most compelling aspects of the film is its ability to communicate the urgency of the situation. The film effectively communicates the need for immediate action to secure a sustainable future for our children. It makes it clear that while ending our addiction to fossil fuels will take time, there are alternatives and actions we can take today.

Overall, “Freedom Fuels” is an enlightening and inspiring film that will leave audiences feeling empowered and motivated to take action. In the Q&A session after the screening, it was clear that a dread, helpless feeling was being lifted from the audience, there are alternatives and actions we can take today to secure a sustainable future for our children. We shouldn’t elect policymakers that limit our consumer votes at the pump.

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