God is American (Dieu est Amricain)


There are over 4,000 different religions in the world, each with its unique set of beliefs, practices, and traditions. However, few are as fascinating as the cargo cults that have emerged in various parts of the world. One such cult is the John Frum cargo cult of Tanna Island, Vanuatu, which is the focus of the documentary “God Is American.”

The film takes us on a journey to a remote island in the south Pacific, where the people of Tanna worship an American prophet named John Frum. The islanders believe that Frum is an American pilot who fought in World War II and returned to the United States with riches that he will one day bring back to Tanna. They call this wealth “the cargo,” and they pray to an American flag, awaiting Frum’s return.

The cult’s leader, Isaac the Last One, claims to be John Frum’s son and has formed an army of GI’s to celebrate the prophet’s return. The followers believe that John Frum will return on February 15th (although the year is unknown), a date that they observe as “John Frum Day” in Vanuatu.

The documentary provides a unique insight into the origins and evolution of religion. The cargo cults, in particular, offer a fascinating contemporary model for the way religions spring up from almost nothing. They suggest four lessons about the origin of religions generally, as Richard Dawkins points out in “The God Delusion.” First, religions often arise from a single charismatic figure, who claims to have a revelation or divine knowledge. Second, they require a leap of faith, often involving the supernatural. Third, they demand loyalty and obedience from their followers. Finally, they are resilient and can survive even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

The John Frum cargo cult of Tanna Island, Vanuatu, exemplifies all four of these characteristics. The followers believe in the charismatic figure of John Frum, who is said to have returned to America after World War II to bring back “the cargo.” They take a leap of faith by praying to an American flag and awaiting Frum’s return. They display loyalty and obedience to Isaac the Last One, who claims to be John Frum’s son and leads the cult. Finally, they remain resilient in their beliefs, despite the fact that John Frum has yet to return and bring them the riches they so desperately seek.

The documentary “God Is American” offers an intimate look into the lives of the followers of the John Frum cargo cult. We see how they live and work, how they worship, and how they celebrate John Frum Day. The film’s cinematography captures the beauty and isolation of Tanna Island, providing a stunning backdrop for the cult’s rituals and beliefs.

One of the most interesting aspects of the film is how it portrays the relationship between the John Frum cult and the modern world. While the followers of the cult continue to cling to their beliefs, the world around them is changing rapidly. We see Western influences creeping into the island, with modern technology and clothing becoming more prevalent. Yet, despite these changes, the cult persists, a reminder of how deeply held beliefs can endure even in the face of modernity.

In conclusion, “God Is American” offers a thought-provoking and engaging exploration of the world of cargo cults. The film provides insights into the origins and evolution of religion, as well as a unique perspective on a fascinating and little-known phenomenon. For anyone interested in anthropology, religion, or the human experience, this documentary is a must-see.

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